Sunday, October 16, 2011

Corporate Greed and Integrity

Hello Everyone

These last couple of weeks have seen an interesting revolt around the world.   Ordinary people from all walks of life have joined forces to protest against corporate greed and corruption.

 It seems that there is a universal lack of respect for integrity.  In fact, I wonder if most people even understand the importance of integrity for a world that work with everyone included.

The present global financial crisis is a strong indicator that what is happening in the world right now is not working.  White collar crime, nepotism, excessive corporate salaries, lack of transparency, extortion, bribery, absenteeism, presenteeism, workplace bullying and harassment are all indicators that people are not doing what they promised.   They are not valuing each other nor creating a sustainable future.

 I would like to share with you a definition of integrity that I find very useful, it comes from Landmark Education.
Integrity:  Nothing hidden, being truthful and honest, doing complete work, working from an empowering context, and doing very well what you do, doing it as it was meant to be done or better and without cutting corners.

In other words, HONOURING ONE’S WORD: Doing what you know to do, doing what you said you would do and on time, doing what others expect you to do even if you haven’t said that you would do it, and saying when you are not doing this as soon as you realise you won’t be doing it or won’t be doing it on time.

You can see from the above definition that integrity from this viewpoint is not about right or wrong  but what works for us individuals and communities.   You might like to consider that we would have greater workability in the world if we elevated  our integrity.

So dear reader, where in your life could you elevate your integrity?  It would not make you a better person but make your world more workable. What would it be like for you if you valued and endorsed the above definition of integrity?

Live!  Love!!  Laugh!!!
Roz Townsend

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