Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Narcissistic or Not?

Narcissistic or not?

Hello Everyone,

 What happens when we overpraise?   Research from the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science indicates that overpraising children can cause them to be narcissistic.   A narcissistic child leads to a narcissistic adult.

 Narcissism, as you are probably aware is from Greek mythology.  Narcissus's vanity  was so great that when he fell in love with his own reflection in a pond he lost balance and drowned. 
Narcissism in children is thought to be either a defence mechanism  to help them cope with lack of parental attention, or the result of too much praise.

Brummelman from the University of Amsterdam believes narcissism is on the rise in the west.
The key point seems to be that we would be best advised to give accurate and loving feedback to others whether they are children or adults.  It does not do anyone a service to fudge or gloss over their mistakes/shortcomings.  Accurate, honest feedback with the intention of leaving the other person empowered will be far more effective. 

Valuing not overvaluing is best.

Roz Townsend
To read more of these ideas see Roz's latest books Future Words and Love Well available on Amazon.
