Thursday, October 25, 2012

Intuitive morality

Hello Everyone

In Australia it is often assumed that people are more concerned about their own self–interest than the welfare of others. In fact in many sales programs there is a joke that people are tuned into the radio station 2WIIFM meaning – 2 What’s In It For Me?

Moral psychologists (did you know this is a new profession?) have been studying the political preferences of voters. Their research has thrown up an interesting finding namely that self-interest is a weak predictor of voters’ policy preferences. The reason seems to be that people care more about the group they belong to than themselves. It is their membership of their given social group (racial, religious, political or regional) and their loyalty to it that carries the most weight.

One researcher, Haidt from the University of Virginia has coined a new term ‘homo duplex’. By this he means that humans exist at two levels: as an individual and also as part of a larger group. It is our ‘groupishness’ which helps us be team players.

According to Haidt, one of the hardest problems humans face is cooperation without kinship. It seems to be instinctive to cooperate with direct relatives. But in the wider group there is a temptation for some members to enjoy the benefits of membership without contributing. Hence norms and morality evolved to ensure group cohesiveness.

The concerns for morality and group cohesion seem to cut across all cultures and groups – the difference is in their interpretation. For example all groups seem to be concerned about the issue of fairness versus cheating. All people should be rewarded or punished in proportion to their deeds. This plays out in drastically different ways in different cultures with some being totally in favour of capital punishment and others abhorring that level of punishment.

The research highlights the need to consider people in light of their context and circumstances. The importance of them maintaining or enhancing their status with their chosen group will be a major determinant in their behaviour. It won’t be just self-interest.

Live! Love! Laugh! Take care of others!

Roz Townsend

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