Monday, July 30, 2012

You Can Positively Control Your Life with Positivity

Hello Everyone

There is a scientifically proven ratio of positive emotions to negative emotions that can determine if we are flourishing or languishing! The work of Friedrickson in her book Positivity explains how and why.

Positive emotions created by things like good news, praise, happy events and affirming comments whereas negative emotions are caused by things as gossip, anxiety, bad news and stress.

When we experience positive emotions in a 3-to-1 ratio to negative emotions people achieve what they once could only dream about. Tapping into our own unique sources of positivity is not new-age hokey pokey but rather it is a wise and healthy investment in the future.
The scientific evidence that Fredirickson applies confirms that a positive state of mind can enhance our relationships, improve our health, relieve depression, and broaden our minds.  Positivity is far more specific than happiness. It includes anything that makes a person feel good or better such as love, appreciation, amusement, joy, hope, gratitude.  Positivity can be seen in softened faces, generous hearts, relaxed limbs, broadened minds, a sense of humour and a possibility for the future.
It is profound to think that adopting a positive attitude and mindful attention to those things that increase our sense of well-being can really move us from languishing to flourishing.
Fredrickson even uses the metaphor of a sailing ship where they found the mast to keel ratio was 3:1.  We need some negativity to be grounded in reality but we can all flourish if our attention is on developing a greater level of positivity.
For many people negativity is just a habit.  However when people meditate daily on opening their minds and heart to all that is good around them, then they can tip the balance and experience a greater level of positivity.  An experience that most people do want but are unable to obtain.
If you would like to check out your own ratio go to Dr Fredrickson’s site and start some of her exercises.

Live! Laugh! Love!  Be Positive!

Roz Townsend

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