Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Conscious Capitalism

Hello Everyone

Is it possible that a new form of capitalism is emerging? One that can see profits arising out of working within a socially responsible purpose?

Evidently in 1848 Karl Marx proclaimed that capitalism was on its knees. Professor Sisodia from the Bentley University in Massachusetts thinks that capitalism is also now on its knees and in for a radical positive change.

Professor Sisodia talks about a fledgling social movement called conscious capitalism.  The idea being that companies that work towards a higher purpose than profits such as being socially, environmentally, globally responsible end up having increased profits. In other words if they are creating business for the right reasons they end up profiting in any case.

Research indicates that company loyalty is more about the way a company is conceived rather than the artificiality of marketing.  When the “well-being” of employees, customers, suppliers and the public was considered then unexpected high productivity was the result.

The basic philosophy behind conscious capitalism is that businesses can operate in a way that creates value for everyone. This ultimately means that society benefits.  The concept has gained such momentum particularly in the United States that the Conscious Capitalism Institute has been formed with the aim of promoting the philosophy.

 It is interesting how a crisis provides opportunities if we are open to the idea and so it is with conscious capitalism.  It was created as a response to the global financial crisis.  It is more than just a mere donation to a charity but a deep seated paradigm shift in the way businesses are conceived and developed.

In my own work as an author, educator and communication consultant I always ask myself is my work providing value? Am I moving communication forward?  Am I doing any harm?  Once I am satisfied with my answers then I know my work is of value.

Imagine if individuals and organisations took to heart conscious capitalism and only engaged in activities that brought value to everyone involved with them?  What would the world be like then?
Live! Laugh! Love!  Be Abundant!

 oz  Roz Townsend   www.roztownsend.com

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