Saturday, May 23, 2015

Have you got 'Happy' in the head?

Have you got 'Happy' in the head?

Hello Everyone,

Did you enjoy the Pharrell Williams' song 'Happy'?   Did you keep hearing it in your head?  Have you had songs that just won't leave your head?  They are called ear worms.  But the name is not nearly as important as how you can get rid of them.

Researchers from Reading University found that chewing gum can help the brain to think less about music it has just heard.   Chewing gum also reduced the amount they ‘heard' the song by one third.
Previous research has found that mouthing something to yourself, or even just moving your jaw around, interferes both with short-term memory and imagining sounds.  This study, however, is the first to examine what effect chewing gum has on earworms.

About 90 per cent of people experience these ear worms and 15percent find them uncomfortably intrusive and disturbing.

Most people experience ear worms for just a short period but for others they can be really frustrating and last days.

As well as helping those who suffer badly from earworms, the results suggest gum-chewing might help reduce other unwanted or intrusive thoughts - especially ones you ‘hear'.

Roz Townsend

To read more of these ideas see Roz's latest books Future Words and Love Well available on Amazon.

Source: 'How to get a song out of your head'
            The Sydney Morning Herald  30/4/2015