Friday, July 12, 2013

6% of the written and Spoken Language

Hello Everyone

English is an interesting language.

The word ‘and’ is the fifth most popular word in the English language and has its own logogram.  A logogram  is a representation of a word or the smallest meaningful unit of language.   The word ‘and has its own logogram the ampersand ‘&’.

This is interesting because the most common word in the English language accounting for 6% of the written spoken language is the word ‘the’. Surely ‘the’ is entitled to its own logogram.

The history of the ampersand makes sense as to its existence.  According to Wikipedia, in English-speaking schools when the alphabet was recited, any letter that could also be used as a word in itself ("A", "I", and, at one point, "O") was preceded by the Latin expression per se which means "by itself".

It was usual to add the "&" sign at the end of the alphabet as if it were the 27th letter.  It was pronounced and. The result was that the alphabet being recited would end in "X, Y, Z, and per se and". This last phrase was slurred to "ampersand" thus the term had entered into common English usage by 1837.

Be, to and of are the 2nd 3rd and 4th most popular words in the English language.  In fact ten words make up 20% of the written and spoken language in English. Perhaps it is time to give all 10 a logogram to speed up reading and writing.

Technology has moved ahead but written language skills have considerable room for progress. Certainly this can be seen in sms texting where new language is developing.   Perhaps it is time to formalise it and see it in everyday use as well.
Enjoy language!
Roz Townsend