Sunday, September 2, 2012

Is "away' just another word?

Hello Everyone

According to the Global Language Monitor and Google we now have more than a million words in the English language.

The millionth word was the controversial ‘Web 2.0′. Currently there is a new word created every 98 minutes or about 14.7 words per day!

Some other interesting numbers include: 6,912 for the number of living languages; 516 for the number of those languages that are nearly extinct.   Chinese Mandarin is the language with the greatest number of native speakers and English is spoken by about 300 million non-native English speakers.

With all of this interesting information about the English language, there is just one word that I would like you to consider right now.  The word is ‘away’.  We use this word with such abandon but very few of us have given any thought to the implications of its usage, especially if we looking at having a sustainable world.

We often say we are throwing something ‘away’ but I and other environmentally conscious people are asking where is away? 

When that challenge was first brought to my attention I was taken aback. I used the word as much as anyone else but had never really considered where is away?

In fact there is no ‘away’.  Many things we create on planet Earth do not go away.  They might change form or move to another area but they do not go away.  To even think they might disappear is doing our intelligence a great disservice!

You might like to consider over the next few days which other words we have taken for granted without really considering their implications.
Think!  Live!  Love!  Laugh!

 Roz Townsend