Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Importance of Family - at every level

Hello Everyone

Many of us in Bathurst, my country town in Australia are being challenged by the impact on the importance of ‘family’ and how disruptive any changes can be.
For those of us who recently attended the funeral this much loved young man in Bathurst we see how his death at the young age of 31 has so profoundly impacted his family and the community generally.

And yet other changes are on the horizon as one of the spiritual leaders of so many in Bathurst has announced that his journey in life will have him leaving Bathurst. Similarly, those of us who take a political interest have reacted in amazement that the Australian political ‘father’ ie Kevin Rudd has been replaced.

Many of our leaders and global parents are under considerable pressure. We expect so much of them. And we easily lose our willingness to support them when they err.

Have you ever thought that you create the people around you? That the way you react and treat people, creates who they are? It is an interesting thought isn’t it. It means that we can become proactive in supporting and loving those around us and helping them become all that they can be.

So how have you been creating the important people in your world?  Remeber: in the end all that matters is who you have loved and how well you have loved.

Till we meet again